MSK for Junior Physios On-Demand Webinar


With this On-Demand Webinar you get: LIFETIME ACCESS, HANDBOOK & CERTIFICATE.

If you are currently or soon to be starting an MSK Outpatient Rotation as a Junior Physio… This is for you! Khalid’s main objective for this webinar is to make you be and feel much more confident and prepared for your start in MSK, by guiding you through the most common conditions and situations that come up, as well as the most common challenges that Junior Physios face in this environment. He’ll be taking you through Clinical Scenarios so that you can test yourself and learn the key principles to fly through your rotation.

SKU: CP989554 Category:

MSK for Junior Physios On-Demand Webinar: Purchase of this will give you forever access on Clinical Physio and a detailed handbook alongside a personalised certificate on completion.



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