MSK Red Flags On-Demand Webinar


With this On-Demand Webinar you get: LIFETIME ACCESS, HANDBOOK & CERTIFICATE.

Why do you even ask the 5 D’s for neck pathology, what about the cauda equina questions, neurological changes, weakness and the myriad of other highly important questions you need to ask. When does it matter, what should you do about these, which ones are even important?

This area is poorly taught, poorly understood by most and the WHY is NEVER taught. We will teach you everything you need to know with our expert team. After this tutorial you’ll feel super confident in the musculoskeletal outpatient setting from student to senior.

SKU: CP9884753456893 Category:

MSK Red Flags On-Demand Webinar: Purchase of this will give you forever access on Clinical Physio and a detailed handbook alongside a personalised certificate on completion.



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